Now, I have come to believe it was a Hyundai Genesis Sedan. Mr. Kwok spotted a very similar looking car, with the same logo, and we ID it as the Genesis. Except there's a problem with that. The Genesis wasn't out, a few years back. Nope. No one had even heard of Hyundai back then. So what gives?
Recently, I saw the logo again. It started with dropping my brother off at school. I saw it in the cross traffic, heading towards the same middle school. I saw the flattened rear lights, the curved ends, and thought it was the new Jaguar. Wrong. As I got closer, I realized the proportions were off. The back was hunched, and the dual exhausts were these fantastic box ones. Even closer still, I made out the logo, and found out the car was called, Vertigo (no internet search has yielded me any answers). As we passed the car, and I was stunned by the DB9 looks. Yet I still have no idea what it was.
My theory, which in my mind, is quite possibly possible (in a theoretically but not actually sense), is that we have a Hyundai proto-typer living here in San Ramon. If that's already been established by someone else, it's news to me. If not, I'll take my theory. See my reasoning is, is that I saw a Genesis 4-5 years before it's release. Now, I see a mysterious car, branded with the same logo, which doesn't show up anywhere at all. Hmm.... See the connection? If you don't, just watch; Hyundai'll release a new supersport car that can rival the GT-R, which will be called the Vertigo. If not, well, it was only a theory.
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